11 February 2011

Comment Replies

Kirrari Sings:
I am very much in love with your blog. I am trying to stop my super bad habits, but it is slow going. Any advice on what I should try to at least help me get over the last couple days of the really bad laxatives? I really appreciate your coomments, by the way. I really do.

I love you, too. Forever and always of course. I may have to take you up on that offer in a few days. We shall see how things pan out. See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog often to <3
    I have noticed that you take a lot of lax and that worries me a lot. I have issues of my own with b/p and haven't taken lax before(damn if I haven't wanted to, or been tempted...)
    My best advise would be to exercise instead when you feel you've eaten too much. A healthy amount of exercise. Also not to go cold turkey off the lax, try lowering the numbers and over time cutting it out of your life. I'm glad you like my comments, I'm glad it helps, always here. Please be safe and stay strong hun <3
