28 March 2011


Today was... interesting to say the least. I had a 99 cent Moolatte because a friend bought some and I had yet to have anything yet. Then I had a bowl of Mini wheats. Purged until I was legit empty again. Didn't eat for the rest of the day. Then, I got home around 8pm, extremely, wonderfully empty, from my extra credit thing for History, decided to have a sugar free cafe drink (55 cals). About an hour later, (WARNING: THIS IS KINDA ICK, SO DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED TO READ) I - iunno, burp kinda. But those burps where... erm its not so pleasent(?). I had no intention of puking whatsoever, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, but the thought would not escape me. So I did it. granted, it hurt SO bad, but it was worth it. Hopefully tomorrow I will not see a gain...


I have gotten myself back on wonderful track. The plan:
A yogurt or fruit when I get back from class (100)
Portioned Frozen Diet meal, weighted specifically for me (60-80 cals max) between 3 and 5pm, depending on my work schedule.

This is wuite effective for me, and keeps me from going over 300 calories as well as allows me to eat more than once, fooling my brain into thinking I am treating myself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but I almost died from anorexia less than a year ago and it's difficult to read your blog. My heart stopped and was restarted three times last spring, and the doctors had told me before the first time that I would likely die before the summer. I ate around 0-200 calories a day by the end, and exercised for at least 2 hours in the gym and 1 hour at home. Please, please get help. By the time I almost died I was back up to a healthy weight and had been so for just under a year, and my heart was still giving out on me, it couldn't stand so much after years of stress. Please, please get help.
