10 August 2011

Dear I'm lost

CW: Too much.

Small Orange (80)
Two cookies (400) (50)
Yogurt (90)

I was doing really well today. Until I left work. I went to my other work, had two more cookies, went home ate dinner with my sister, broccoli, fries. Then had cereal with my brother when he got home at ten... As soon as everyone left the kitchen, I went to my room and puked until nothing more would come out. I feel like such a complete failure. I threw away a relatively good day as soon as I left work... why?
However, after p, I weighed myself, .2 up from this ,morning. Just did my DVD, 3 lax. Hopefully it will be better. When I was done, I looked out my back door to the kitchen window and noticed the light was on. Someone was in the kitchen, right outside my room, while I was p. This happened last night as well. I think they know.

Gym (stairstepper, 20 mins. treadmill, 33 mins. arm circles 5 mins, stretched)
work 12-7
1 small orange (80)
yogurt (90)
100 calories oreo pack (100)

I feel like because I have written this down for whoever to see, I usually feel more obligated to stick to it. Right now, I have the biggest headache, but I really don't want to take anything because I am afraid someone is in the kitchen and my pills are out there....

I will finally havea day off on Friday. Last week, from Wednesday to yesterday, I worked about 63 hours. I've done this before, but it was longer shifts so I still had days off, whereas this past week was normal shifts and no days off. I guess this is what happens when I am manager...

I feel like I am not making any sense right now, but it wouldn't really make any sense to reread it to check now would it?


  1. i hope everything works out. <3

  2. If you have a shower in your bathroom, run it while puking and then take a shower. It blocks the noise and then you were thought to have just taken a shower. Get a mini fridge for your room to keep bottles of water in it for the dehydration and a bottle of IBprophen somewhere is your stuff also. IBprophen works the best, also for cramps.
    Stay Strong<3
    ps.....try not to get to paranoid bc you'll tend to slip up more and make thoughts of getting caught a reality. I jsut pretend like nothing happened. If you get questioned say that you reacted weirdly to something you ate or you've felt under the weather lately but you think your starting to feel better. Make a list of excuses so you are prepared if someone does question you on the spot.
