19 August 2011

Going or Coming.

J.P.: First off, let me say, I look forward to your comments quite a bit that it scares me. Your questions were... intrigueing? But I will absolutely answer them, because why would I not, no?
Aiighty. 'Do I poop like diarrhera?' Pretty much yea.
'Is it something I get used to?' I wouldn't say used to per se. The above, yea I guess I got used to it, but.. I don't know, it's hard to explain. It's like me saying I got used to puking. Does that help :/ I'm not sure how else to put that, really.
'Do I take it in the morning or with meals...?' Never WITH a meal. And almost never in the morning unless I get really anxious. Usually I take it after a b/p or I eat more than I planned... Which usually occurs at night after I get home from work. (Which I really am trying to work on not doing. trying being the opperative word I suppose)
Keep the comments and questions coming, I appreciate them very much. <3

Earlier, I got a pretel at work from a friend and ate it. Which entirely set me off. I got home from work and ate more. Then, purged until it seemed at though there was a gaping hole in my throat. Realized I had no more lax, and even though I would then have to get gas, drove the the grocery store to pick more up. Thankfully no one realized I was gone. No one heard me coming or going. going or coming. Tomorrow: liquid fast.

P.S. I got both sides of my nose pierced yesterday. It looks quite cute, I think.


  1. post pics of your nose ! c: <3
    i'm liquid fasting too, actually.

  2. :)Thank You for the LOVE! I equally appriciate it. So, I think Im getting this and I think it makes sense. You puke and then take a lax just to make sure its all out? And, yea, that helps me to understand about getting used to it as much as getting used to puking. I depend on it entirely and yet dred it with all my being. And, then, like a soldier, I suck it up and get it out:D Wow, us Anas are soo weird. Im soo addicted!
    Stay Strong Lovely<3
