10 November 2010

Sudden Shift

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Myn laptop cord broke and I just got a new one. But now, the interent at my house isn't working, so whenever I get a chance to go to a wifi spot, I'll get here. Things havent been too good lately, although, in the last four days all I've eaten is a bag of caramel hard candies, gum, gum, gum, and one healthy choice frozen meal. I was finally losing the weight and over the weekend I fucked it up again. I jsut ate and ate.

Recently, for like three days straight, I was purging EVERYTHING I ate. no matter what it was. But all of a sudden, I physically couldn't do it. No matter how much I ate, or how fur I shoved my finger dopwn my fucking throat, it jsut wouldn't come. I could tell it was there and almost coming, but for a fucking hour I tried and tried and sliced my finger up nicely from my teeth. My throat is so painful. But it was worth it.

And, because I cannot do taht, well, i guess that means I cannot eat either. Yesterday the only reason I ate was because my landlords so to speak came over and make fat free vegatarian soup for me and it would have been rude not to. And today, I haven't eaten anything at all. I have been studying my ass off for this exam tomorrow. But, gotta go cuz I ahve to be home. Love ya.


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