16 April 2011

Discovery Me

ME: SO, what're you going to school for next year, anyway??
Friend: history education and eventually i want my masters in psych..
ME: cool beans. that was what i was passionate about but i dont wanna be a teacher, but i like history. but i also am fascinated my eating disorders (xD) so imma do psych and then focus on that..
Friend: haha im glad youre admitting to having one, thats the first step. but i think that would be good for you, even before you told me thats what i was thinking..
ME:i meant 'by' not 'my' lol..
Friend:yeah yeah, it shouldve said by my* because youre a skinny mini who needs a fucking cheese burger..

This is the conversation I had with a friend on FB last night. I just brushed it off and changed the conversation, but it scares me. I though I had been relatively apathetic towards my eating when it came to others, but the more I see, I realize many people had suspected. Or jsut accepted it without actual confirmation or talking to me about it... When I found out one of my other friends just assumed that I had ED, she just said, 'yea, I kinda knew. At least you're not super skinny like real ones.'
My heart just fell.


  1. whoa, who are these people? :(

  2. What a wonderful thing to say to someone you think has an eating disorder!

    I know the feeling. After Thanksgiving, a family friend said to me, "Thank god you're not emaciated like you were a few months ago!" I wanted to crawl into a hole.

    <3 <3
