29 April 2011

I Feel You There

CW(9pm): 106.8

Today's Intake:
Banana Baby food (145)
4 oz. applesauce (90)
2 sugar free creamsicles (40)
Lots of coffee (0)
Total: 275!!

As I was eating my creamsicles, I felt the familiar urge to binge. However, I can't, so it was a moot point. Hopefully by the time my two weeks are up, I will have at least somewhat broken the b/p cycle at least a little bit. It takes 21 days to break a habbit. How about a mentally appealing bad habbit? Does that still apply? Let's hope so.

The farmer's market will finally be open by the time I get to go home. A friend of mine suggested we walk there. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, due to the fact that its probably about a 5+ mile walk from her house. Longer from mine. I could definitely see driving partially there and walking the last 2 miles. That would probably be about 600 calories, both ways combined!

I was going to take jsut one lax tonight, but I decided not to. I just feel like if I do, I will want to do it again the next night and the next and nextandnextandnext. I've gone three days so far. Hopefully, this works. I decided (tmi) since I did manage to go a bit on my own, I can continue for at least one more day. Just one day at a time.

I'm going crazy without a job. The subway by my uni took me off the schedule. When I returned from this past break, I would have been working until the 9th, about 2 weeks, a few days shy. It went like this:

Me: Hey, I was just wondering if I work on Wednesday, cuz I need to know what time to leave my house to come back.
Manager: Nope, you do not work on Wednesday.
Me: Oh, ok. Well, could you tell me when's the next time I work...?
Manager: Actually, I didn't put you on this week's schedule, because you were only going to be here for the one week.
Me: Oh... umm. Ok then. Bye.

She wasn't even going to tell me that I no longer worked there. Then, I went into work today to visit a co-worker who I started to become friends with, and he said he heard it was because I took a few days off before I left (which ended up me not being able to work customer appreciation day - a crazy busy buy one get one day for subways) and she got pissed or whatevs and decided not to have me work there any longer. I was pretty pissed. I got gyped out of about $300. Luckily I have enough money in the bank for gas and such, or I would have been utterly screwed.

Pretty sleepy now. though it's only 11pm. Gym tomorrow! hope it goes well.

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