22 January 2011

Run Right Back In

Verse 1
I'm so tired of dreaming without falling asleep
I am a ghost town and no one's visiting me
I'm on the fast track to never existing at all
It's like riding a plane only hoping to fall
I'm so sick of the clothes that seem to be wearing me
out on the town, like I'm a heart on their sleeve
I'm on the fast track to never really learning to love
it's like holding your breath just to spite your lungs
So tell me,
Can a ghost fall in love with an angel?
I see heaven in your eyes, your grays and blues bring me back to life
Verse 2
I'm a rainstorm coming down hard over head
but everybody is safe in their beds
I'm on the fast track to never really counting at all
but you have been here with me all along
Hello stranger I'm a mess
all hands on deck set sails for nervous wreck
Cast away, Cast away

'Ghost Town' Jimmy Robbins

Lasted all of two whole days off laxatives... Then the day before yesterday, because the scale said 103.6, I took 6. That number was just far too unacceptable. Yesterday, I made a veggie patty sub for a customer and I just wanted it so bad. I almost brought one home with me. But instead, I ate probably ten pieces of raisin toast and three glasses of crystal light green tea. It was a very horrible day yesterday...

My car shifter has been being a pain, but I wasn't too concerned. But I left campus and my car started to smell weird. I rolled my window down and figured I would just go home and check under the hood. I got about a mile and my serpentine belt came off. I difficultly maneuvered my car to the cas station a bit ahead and called my uncle. I had to get three miles to Cole muffler. With a few stops in between. Thankfully, I didn't blow a head gasket... Cost me 200 bucks. And apparently there is more to be done when I get home next weekend. I don't know what I am going to do.. I can't afford this. And the car isn't even worth all this fucking repair. It just seems like things are not going as they shoud anymore

I took nine laxatives last night and as of this morning I am at least at 100.0. Due to that, I am going to just have liguids for a few days to get myself off the laxatives. I know that is somewhat stupid, just becasue I know that when I do eventually have solids again, I will feel horrible. That being said, I am keeping a new diary. Whenever I binge on something, it goes in the list of foods I am not allowed to have. Newest entry: Raisin Bread.

I have been looking up foods that will help me stop taking lax and I have found:

Probiiotics (?)
ANYONE wanna inform me what that last one is, exactly. I see a lot of people say take supplements for fiber and whatnot, but I don't want to replace one with the other...


  1. Probiotics are the awesome active bacterial cultures found in yogurts that help you digest food better. They're supposed to be really good for your intestinal tract.

    You can buy lots of yogurts now that have added "Probiotics", but seriously, any old yogurt will do the same thing.

  2. Probiotics in the simplest term are nonharmful bacteria aiding in digestion, pushed in the organic market through yogurt and kefir products like milk. I take acidophilus to control purging-related acid reflux when eating certain foods but can't give any firsthand information on probiotics' intestinal benefits. Better to eat nutritionally rich foods than partially absorbed (and overpriced!) supplements, right? Almost any regular intake of raw fruits will go through you. Make sure you're drinking lots of fluids and not just artifically sweetened ones (will cause constipation). I hope you manage to kick the habit. Your journaling idea is quite brilliant.

  3. i hate car trouble that sucks! the reason they say probiotics is probably because youre flushing your system of everything including the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract which is what probiotics help to maintain so you can digest food. they are often found in yogurts, milks, miso, but usually you can just take a supplement too

  4. Also, really fibre-rich foods, like granola and fibre-enriched cereals are good for a laxative effect, too. :D
